See our planet as you’ve never seen it before. A perfect relaxing trip away to help regain perspective and come back refreshed. While you’re there, take in some history by visiting the Luna 2 and Apollo 11 landing sites.
See our planet as you’ve never seen it before. A perfect relaxing trip away to help regain perspective and come back refreshed. While you’re there, take in some history by visiting the Luna 2 and Apollo 11 landing sites.
Don’t forget to pack your hiking boots. You’ll need them to tackle Olympus Mons, the tallest planetary mountain in our solar system. It’s two and a half times the size of Everest!
The smallest of the four Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter, Europa is a winter lover’s dream. With an icy surface, it’s perfect for a bit of ice skating, curling, hockey, or simple relaxation in your snug wintery cabin.
The only moon known to have a dense atmosphere other than Earth, Titan is a home away from home (just a few hundred degrees colder!). As a bonus, you get striking views of the Rings of Saturn.
The Carina Nebula itself was first observed from South Africa’s Cape of Good Hope. Among the nebula’s many nicknames includes the Eta Argus Nebula, which references structures that English astronomer James Dunlop and English astronomer John Herschel likened to the ship of the ancient Greek mythological hero Jason and his team of argonauts.